Okay, not a topic for the squeamish. But we've had a lovely case of the stomach virus in our house for about a week now. I got it first, it was all my fault. Damn grocery cart handles. Anyway, I'll skip the details except to say I lost about 4 pounds in 4 days. Woo hoo! Dave got it next, and of course his was worse than mine...or so he says. You know how husbands are.
Jackie was next, poor baby. The first 2 days weren't too bad, he actually got out of bed to vomit in the toilet all by himself! Lots of runny poopies, but again, he mostly made it to the toilet! The 3rd day, however, it hit him. In fact, in the middle of the night I heard a little crash coming from the kids' bathroom. I investigated and found him flat on his back in the dark. Scared me to DEATH! Anyway, he needed a drink and it seems he fell off the step stool in the dark and decided to just lay there and hope the water would make it into his mouth on its own. Or that mom would come and save the day (which I did). Got him a drink and back into bed. The next day he wouldn't walk anywhere. He kept saying his legs wouldn't work when he tried to walk. (I think he was just weak from lack of food and all the diarrhea). He sat on my lap while I sat to check my email, and he fell asleep on my shoulder! He stayed there for an hour and a half and I didn't mind one bit. How often does my wiggly boy sit still on my lap anymore! After his nap, he was better, and today he is his normal, bouncy self.
Of course, this morning Maddie sat down for breakfast and announced, "My belly hurts, I don't want to eat." Here we go again. Now Maddie is not a good sickie. And by that I mean, when she is sick, she is MISERABLE. And we are all miserable. So she lay on the sofa all morning, moaning, having cuddles and playing Monopoly with me. I snuck upstairs at one point to take a quick shower and was interrupted by Dave..."Maddie, just threw up, and I have a conference call in 2 minutes." (How conveeeenient.) The good news: she feels a little better! Not so much whining! The bad news: She threw up all over the sofa, down through the cushions, on her DS, on the floor, and she left a dribbly trail to the toilet, which, um, I don't think she used because the vomit was already decorating my living room.
I guess Ben is next. Luckily he is a good sickie.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
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