For some reason, the rabbit population in our neighborhood this year has increased dramatically from last year. All of my neighbors agree and have stories to share: the rabbit who stretched up and ate the newly planted annuals out of a pot, the rabbit who sits in the front yard and stares at the house every evening, the rabbit who ate petunias that were planted 3 times until the gardener gave up and planted marigolds.
In my case, the bunnies have helped themselves to my broccoli, cabbage, and cilantro. I will have none of those to harvest (actually, everyone's relieved about the cabbage). They keep nibbling my petunias down, just a little bit....not enough to replace them, just enough that they look like they will never grow past that wimpy looking stage. They also did a job on my Black-Eyed Susans this year (which are growing in just fine now), and they've chomped down a few green bean plants and most of the leaves of my lone pepper plant.
Naturally, I have been seeking revenge.
And I do have a larger brain, internet access, and...well, a credit card.
Some things I tried after googling "death to bunnies":
-rabbit repellant spray-a mixture of garlic and fox urine, that I must spray once a week near or on the plants. The rabbits supposedly hate this smell and head to the neighbor's sunny patch instead of mine. I think it has helped, but the rabbits did cross the stink to eat the cilantro to the ground, so the lure of the cilantro must have been greater than the stink of the spray.
-a rubber snake, whom we named Darth Snaker. I put him in with the green beans, but the bunnies ate the pepper leaves. Makes me wonder if a valedictory bunny sat near by, noticed the obvious lack of movement on Darth Snaker's part, and decided to chance it.
-human hair (mine) pulled from my hair brush, scattered around the garden. It blew away.
-I am thinking of asking the boys to take their next potty break around the edge of the garden...couldn't hurt...but...ewwww.
I. Will. Win.
Stupid bunnies.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
1 day ago
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