Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring: A Sneak Preview

We got a little taste of spring this weekend!  Temperatures were in the fifties and the sun woke us up in the morning then shone until well after dinner.

The kids wore shorts.  We told them it wasn’t warm enough for shorts, but they were adamant  (though they each eventually snuck back in the house and put on pants, hoping we wouldn’t notice--we pretended not to).

I played four square for awhile.  Jack and I chalked up the cul-de-sac with tic-tac-toe games and scribbles.  Scooters and bikes were ridden.  Basketballs were dribbled and kickballs were kicked.  Ben and Jack broke out their rollerblades and the pogo stick was bounced (Maddie bounced 100-something, Jack bounced 4). The giant snowpile at the edge of the front yard, which is still there courtesy of the  Snowplows, took a big bite out of Maddie’s shins.  That snow is dirty, mean, sharp, and holding on to life (too bad…I’m going out there to shovel some of it into the road to melt today.)

I went on a walk and came back feeling slightly sweaty.  We took a family walk, Dave and me on foot, the kids on scooters and bikes, and somehow Dave and I ended up racing the last block back.  I wish I could have seen it, me on the scooter, Dave on Jack’s little bike.  It must have looked pretty funny.  He won, of course.

Dave grilled hamburgers for supper one night, and the kids begged me to break out some popsicles (I probably would have except I haven’t gotten any yet!)

But what made me happiest of all, is that Dave hung up our front porch swing.  I just love that swing, and sit on it all summer-long, with a glass of sweat-beaded iced tea in my hand watching the kids race around the yard.  It gives me hope that spring will soon really be here when I see it on the porch waiting for me.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Beth, wasn't is a wonderful weekend! I am so happy to see the sun and say good bye to winter! Happy Spring :)