Wednesday, March 21, 2012


If you are here because you googled “housekeeping” intending to find some good housekeeping hints, you are in the wrong place.  I know only one really good housekeeping hint, and I will share it with you:   Always keep…  No, no.   Never put…  Ummm.  Place your…  Sheesh.

I do not know any good housekeeping hints.  I am so sorry.

I’m using the title “Housekeeping” to refer to the fact that my Disney posts have taken up the better part of two weeks and I want to catch you up on all of the exciting things that are going on around here!

First of all, as a result of one of Jack’s playdates telling him twice within my hearing that Jack’s house looks like a “junkyard”, I have been trying to clean it up around here a  little bit more. I did want to tell that child that we had just returned from vacation three days prior and that was why things were in a minor state of upheaval, but I didn’t, because a)  He is 7.  I do not care what he thinks (much), and b) That didn’t explain the crushed pretzel on the floor in the living room, so he probably had a point.  Maybe I should google “housekeeping” for some tips.


It has been warm around here!  This is very unusual to have extended weeks of warmth this time of year, and we are loving it.



I know the cold and wind will be back, that’s the way fickle spring is, but we are soaking in every minute of this warmth.


My brother-in-law and his fiance gave Ben the movie “Napolean Dynamite” for Christmas this year.  We had never seen it before and now it is our favorite movie ever!  All five of us quote it all the time.  If you haven’t seen it yet, rent it, it is HILARIOUS (and completely family appropriate)!  Anyway, Maddie decided to add a Napolean Quote of the Week to our chalkboard, and she’s pretty faithful about changing it up every week.


I don’t think there is another movie in the world as quotable as Napolean Dynamite.  “Napolean, like anyone could even know that.  Gosh!”


Maddie and I are very anxious to see the Hunger Games movie which is opening this Thursday at midnight.  We aren’t going this Thursday at midnight, that’s for crazy people who love their daughters more than I do, but I’m hoping to take her this weekend sometime.  We are both very excited!  Are you planning to see it?  Have you read the books?


The leprechauns visited us again this St. Patrick’s Day.  Do they come to your house?  I had never heard of leprechauns visiting until Maddie was in preschool.  She came home from school after St. Patrick’s Day and told me that the leprechauns had visited Victoria’s house and were naughty and messed things up and then left Victoria a little present!  And why didn’t the leprechauns visit our house?  I thought fast and told her that they don’t visit every house every year, but they had visited us when she was two, that she just didn’t remember it, and they’d probably visit us next year.  And they have ever since then.  Darn that Victoria.

Our leprechauns don’t do anything major:  one year they hid the kids’ toothbrushes and toothpaste and left green rock candy sticks in place of them.  Another year they turned the milk green and hid the breakfast cereal then left them donuts with green sprinkles.  This year they put Herbie’s cage on the dining room table and threw toilet paper over the ceiling fan, and they left these little cuties that they must have seen on Pinterest (that’s where I saw them):


    (Rolos and Twizzlers in a clear bag, tied at the top with a green ribbon…very easy and cute!) 


Did you get yourself a Shamrock Shake this year?  Can you believe this was my first Shamrock Shake ever?


I was never interested in trying one because in college a good friend told us that she had once had too many Shamrock Shakes at a time and they turned her poop green and hard.  This same friend also made the mistake of telling us that she got her first period ever on President’s Day when she was 12.  This is the sort of information that friends do not let die, therefore every year on President’s Day we did something different for her.  One year we decorated a bathroom stall (we were still in a dorm) with balloons and streamers and included lots of signs in the bathroom that said, “Congratulations, Ellen!” (not her real name), “Way to Let it Flow!”, and “Wishing You Many More Years of Menstrual Bliss!”  Another year we made a board game for her, I think we called it Menstropoly or something like that.  She’s now a Facebook friend, and I still write on her wall on President’s Day every year (as do others) wishing her a Happy Anniversary and I always let her know when I see the Shamrock Shakes are in (another friend beat me to it this year!)

I did enjoy my Shamrock Shake, by the way, with no ill effects.  So get out and enjoy your Shamrock Shakes everyone, they will soon be gone!


Jemsmom said...

This weather is freaking fabulous!!! I am soaking up every bit of warmth I can! That sunrise picture (or sunset) is awesome! I love the basketball hoop!

I feel you have every right to smack down a 7 year old that disses your home like that. Just make sure to not leave any marks. Playdates are overrated!!! :-) Note: I do not recommend harming children in any way.

My college bestie is coming this weekend for our sorority's Founders Day. I am hoping she is reading the Hunger Games as we speak and we can go on Saturday! I listened to the first book on my way to Florida. I liked it. I didn't Loooooove it as everyone else seems to. I think I might have liked it better had I read it myself instead of listening to it. I am excited to see Gale... I mean the movie!

Shamrock shakes are good, but even better when you ask them to do half chocolate/half shamrock. Chocolate mint bliss!

Crickit said...

Hi Beth... a great post packed full of fun stuff! I love all of your photos and hope you enjoy the warmth of your Spring to the fullest. I am planning on starting the first book of the Hunger Games this week. I don't want to see the movie until I have read the books...and from what it sounds like, it might take me one short week to read all three!

stephanie said...

I am so LOL about your friend "Ellen"! That is hysterical! I love your posts!! Never stop!!

Deb said...

I just got sidetracked and have to make a note to myself to take Kathryn's suggestion to go half-and-half on the Shamrock/Mint shake. Oh. My. Goodness.

And then, on the way back from McDs, I'm peeking in your windows so I can feel better about the state of my own house.

Then I'm going to pretend I didn't read the part about leprechaun mischief because one elf/leprechaun about all I can manage. Thankyouverymuch.

And now I am totally going to your Facebook page to search out this Ellen person. Snort.

Tara said...

We love Napoleon Dynamite too, and are forever quoting the movie! Uncle Rico cracks me up the most.

I never had a Shamrock Shake either, and I was tempted to get one over the weekend, because all of McDonalds' marketing was really working on me, but then I remembered I don't like minty things, so I didn't get one. And that is my Shamrock Shake story!