Friday, April 9, 2010

Quiet as…Some Other Kind of Rodent

Sometimes we play a really fun game.  We all love it.  The kids love it because it’s a challenge.  I love it because it’s quiet.  It’s called The Quiet Game.

The object of the game is to keep quiet.  Someone says, “Go!” and everyone must not make a peep.  If someone does break the silence, the game is over, and a new game is started.   I really cannot tell you how much I love The Quiet Game.

Today, Jack decided to play The Quiet Game with Herbie, the guinea pig.  You would think a guinea pig would be a sure thing at winning this game.

jack and Herbie

Strangely, he’s not.

Jack sat with Herbie on his chest, yelled “Go!” then stared and waited.  And within ten seconds that Herbie would start squeaking.  He lost the game every time.  

I believe I mentioned before how loquacious our Herbie is becoming.  It’s probably a good thing he doesn’t go to school, as he would certainly not be the teacher’s pet.  (HA!  Pet!) (You know, because teachers like it quiet, and Herbie is a pet--pun/irony rolled in one!)

Herbie would probably be the kid in detention, the class clown, the one in the corner wearing the dunce cap, the one who would have his mouth taped shut (my third grade teacher actually did this to a boy…she also made another boy hold a recess ball, arms straight out for 15 minutes), the one with all minuses on his report card for Personal Work Habits, the one who drops out of school, the one who gets fired from his job at McDonald’s, the one who ends up in prison trading cigarettes for baby carrots and getting all tattooed up and then dies alone in a cold, dark, wet alley in mid-November.

Oh my, I’m so glad he’s just a talkative little guinea pig.   I offer you a peaceful haiku to enjoy in his honor:


chatty little guy

he loves his hay and carrots

but he poops too much

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