Saturday, February 2, 2013

Jack the Photographer

I got an iPad for Christmas!  I was super excited, and Dave kept it a total surprise ‘til the end, and I have loved every minute I’ve been on it!

~Total minutes I’ve been on it?  14.
~Total minutes Jack’s been on it?    5,332,748.

He loves to go on the Google Earth app and travel around the world and take photos of all the places he’s been, like




He has learned the trick of taking photos of your iPad screen and now my Photo Stream is loaded with them.  As a bonus, whenever he’s surfing Google Earth, he narrates a play by play for us.  “Now I’m on a cool bridge.  It’s in um, Hampshire.  And there’s a house near the bridge.  With a dog house!  I can see dog house! But no dog.  Maybe it’s not a dog house.  Maybe it’s a shed?   That would be cool to have a house near a  bridge though. Now I’m going to fly home.  Whoa!  Mom, I’m flying home! I’m almost there.  I see our house!  And our sliding board! Look! There’s the Lerro’s house.  And the Butch’s house.  And Sarah’s house!  And there’s Erik’s house! I can see the trees in his backyard!” And so on and so on and so on.

The other thing he likes to do on my his iPad is play in Photobooth.  Here are some of his best shots:

He also likes to take pictures when no one’s paying any attention to him.
The little stinker.

Here’s what I think about that…

Happy Groundhog’s Day!  We got Herbie a cake to celebrate.  (No, we didn’t actually, but now I wish we would have.)

P.S.Maddie made the WITF bee!  Look for her on WITF on Feb.24 (it will be taped on the 23rd)!  And keep your fingers crossed that she doesn't get schadenfreude or anschluss.  Ugh.  I'm dreading it already.


stephanie said...

This is awesome!! I also like to take trips with Google Earth! Sometimes we have races to see who get find a person's house the fastest. Not that we're stalkers or anything!!

Great job Maddie!!!!!

stephanie said...

Nice robe BTW! Thank God you were wearing something, but I guess you wouldn't be posting those kind of pictures to your blog!

Deb said...

Yay, Maddie! I asked Mason if they announced anything in school on Friday, to which I received a blank stare. We are excited to watch it again this year! I hope you get more air time.

I'll have to try Jack's travel method, since about the best I can do in real life if Iowa.