Saturday, August 22, 2009

I Swear!

My Ben tends to get obsessed with things.
His first obsession (and his first two syllable word) was vacuum (cleaners). Next was tools, lawn mowers (at age two, he could tell you who-owned-what-lawn mower...Uncle Ed?- Cub Cadet! etc.), Thomas trains, then Star Wars, money, presidents, Pokemon, Legos and most recently Guitar Hero.

Unfortunately his new obsession is swearing.

Now, let me say, he does not use swear words (though he will spell them quietly to me when explaining a new one he heard.) But he knows any song or movie that has a swear word in it, and as the responsible big brother will set restrictions for Jack. "Sorry Jack. You can't watch this movie, it has a swear word in it." For some reason, Jack does not appreciate this brotherly service.

He recently asked me how many swear words there are (sadly, too many to count), how old he has to be to be able to use one (39), and if it's okay to say "D-a-m!" and then explain that you meant the house the beaver lives in (no, it's not okay). This week he confided in me that he didn't think "h-o-l-y s-h-e-d" really is a swear word, and he's always hearing swear words where there aren't any, as his Curse Word Radar is turned on too high and sensitive.
I'm hoping his next obsession is more along the lines of reading, housecleaning, or good manners, but h-e-double-hockey-sticks, if this one's not over soon, I may inadvertently teach him a few new words.

"Beaver House! This ice cream is cold!"

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