Many thanks to Betsy, Crickit, Dave, Deb, Donna, Jamae, Jennifer, Julie, Kathryn, Kris, Maria, Mary, Pam and Lia, Stephanie, Sue, Tara, and Wendy. Holy cow, that’s way more than I thought would agree to this crazy scheme [I wasn’t even sure Dave would want to continue reading. He was getting strangely annoyed at all of my recent attempts to take covert photos of his forearms. But I know all of you will appreciate them. Except maybe for Dave’s mom (Julie)…I’m sorry I like your son’s arms].
Ten of you have Google accounts already, so you will be able to sign in easily (I think). The other 6 of you may need to create a Google account. I’m sorry. But a Google account is nice. I have a separate gmail address through there that I use for all of the junk stuff you have to sign up for so my main email doesn’t get all that junk mail, and I use it for my blog for privacy. I’m sorry if this is a hassle.
P.S. The next post will be longer and will contain absolutely no photos of my husband’s forearms. Too bad for you.
Please comment if you're in! I want to know i this is working and if it's hard to sign in. Thanks!
I'm in!! I'm jumping up and down, I'm so excited! The house is shaking! Pictures are falling off the walls! But I'm in! By the way, feel free to post as many forearms pics as you want. I too enjoy a good forearm. Calves are pretty nice too. But stay away from feet; they gross me out. John has two of them though, so I am exposed to them often, regrettably. What were we talking about?
I'm in! Thanks Beth!
Very easy...and I feel so special!!
I'm in! Very easy to sign in:-)
Can you send another invitation to I accidentally accepted the invitation while signed in to my other email ( I'll be more careful next time.
I'm in!! :)
VERY cool. My mom is an aquatic toxicologist, so she gets to work with all sorts of ocean stuff and my boys love it, too! (Though there isn't much they can hold due to toxins and stupid labratory protocols.) Some of your FIL's creatures are familiar, though I mostly remember her talking about anemonea sperm. Sooooo cool!
P.S. I totally saw your FIL's forearms in the next post. Just sayin.
Better late than never! I'm here!!! Thanks for letting me be in the inner circle! Now get your butt over here so we can finish out crafts!
Yay! My first the sea creatures and the forearms! And Herbie!
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