Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear Photograph

Have you seen this website yet?  I stumbled across it recently and immediately bookmarked it.  Each day the site is updated with one photo; submitters must take an old photo and hold it in front of the same location, lining it up as best as the can.  Go check it out, there are some really cool ones!

I decided to try it too…


See what I mean?  I love this!


The tree has grown and so has he.  Jack didn’t want me to show you this picture, he was embarrassed that the baby Jack had been eating dirt.

Jake’s been Ben’s best friend since forever.  They were born two days apart and we lived down the street from Jake until they both turned 3 (and then we only moved 5 minutes away). 


I cheated with this one a little bit, because we’ve moved the sofa since the original photo was taken.  But look at the two of them on the left, about 5 yrs old, watching t.v., and on the right playing a video game.  So cute!

How about one more?


Go check out Dear Photograph.  And maybe try to create some of your own!


Tara said...

What a cute idea! But guess what? We've moved twice since we've started having kids and now I can't re-create any old pictures. Boo Hoo for me. But I like yours! So I'll just look at yours. You should go take some more.

Deb said...

Very. Cool.

Also too I left with your Disney book. I swear I'm not keeping it.

THANKS. And I'll do my Super Duper Double Flip with a Half Twist when I'm not the only lady in the pool. :)

stephanie said...

This is awesome!! Very creative!

Mark said...

I totally forgot about that site. And you did a great job of putting them together/matching them up!
p.s. I'm still not getting updates but I do try to remember to visit.