In early October, I was so excited to see a truck o’pumpkins drive by! I got to the intersection just as the light was turning red, and as the truck slowly started moving forward, I whipped out my phone and got my shot! Sort of like an old timey cowboy, minus the holster. However, now that I think about it, a holster would be an excellent place to store your phone. I could probably also stick miniature KitKats down in the bottom for those times when the grub around the campfire is beans again. Cause it’s always beans when you’re a cowboy.
You can tell the people in the cars behind me are totes jeal of my holster idea.
Jack and Maddie got to do the yard marker at Ben’s last flag football game of the season. They actually did a great job, following along with the ref, and moving the sign to the appropriate spot. Maddie would dip the sign down so Jack could change the numbers. Jack eventually got bored about halfway through the game and came over and joined me on the sidelines, but then Maddie was happy that she could have a turn switching the numbers.
On the way into the game that day, I snapped these two pictures of Maddie, which may be among my favorites out of the whole year:
We parked at the bottom of this huge, leaf covered hill. I was already taking pictures (you’ll see one that follows) when she slipped on the leaves and slid down the hill. She was laughing hysterically, and I’m just so happy that I captured that moment!
Here’s one when she made it to the top. I’d say it looks all arty except for the darn car that’s in the bottom corner of the picture, but still, I like it.
Jack made his bed and set up his stuffed animal collection and asked me to take a picture.
I love that he’s giving the Despicable Me minion bunny ears.
Herbert loves to lounge. And we love to pat his chubby belly when he lounges. It’s a win-win situation, people.
We lost another fish. Jack was very sad and cried a lot until I reminded him that he could pick out a new one at Wal-Mart. He added Christopher to the fishy graveyard where he joined Molly and Gibby then swam his little fishy self to that aquarium in the sky. Our new fish is a sucker fish that Jack named Alex and he keeps the tank super clean. I love him and his little algae-eating self.
Remember I showed you the picture of Dave and me at the Halloween party dressed as Alan and Stu from The Hangover? (Scroll down one post to see the picture). Alan wears a shirt in the movie called “Human Tree”. I printed out a picture of it for Maddie and she drew/painted the design onto an old undershirt of Dave’s for me!
The sweaty pit stains only added to the realism. Or so Dave told me.
Here is Maddie getting her swim bag and the t-shirt she's wearing signed by some of the Olympic medalists at the clinic we attended.
I’m out of frame here, busy forgetting my dang computer cord, or possibly trying on this awesome pair of shoes:
I could just kick myself that I didn’t buy them. They would go perfectly with the sequined, low-cut little number I’m wearing to parent-teacher conferences this afternoon. Note to Tara: they can be found at the Burlington Coat Factory and would be an excellent addition to your collection.
“May I interest you in ze cupcake du jour, madames et monsieurs?”
Here’s a little tip just for you. When you are finished playing with your stick on mustache, it makes pretty awesome eyebrows!
My mom stopped by the house on trick-or-treat night to see the kids in their costumes. We knew she was coming, so Jack ran to the door when the doorbell rang. Three seconds later he zipped back through the kitchen and hid in the living room. This is why:
After he went and changed his underwear, he thought Grandma was pretty darn funny.
Well, I was supposed to go to Lucy's fall party today, but I might have to skip that and go to Burlington Coat Factory instead. I really should have those shoes. I can't believe you passed them up! You must have amazing will power!
hahahahahhaa! Your mother is hilarious!
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