Monday, July 1, 2013

June Instagram

Baseball ended and swimming started.



We went cherry picking.  Everyone was so excited to go,but once we got there, only Maddie had fun.   Ben gets creeped out really easily, and a lot of the cherries had brown spots or mold on them, so he stopped picking pretty quickly.  Jack wanted to pick, but was annoyed by the spots and eventually started to cry because he didn’t have many cherries in his bucket.  Maddie was a trooper though, and between the two of us (and Jack’s 20 or so perfect cherries), we got a lot of cherries.


We celebrated Father’s Day with presents for Dave in the morning, a visit from my mom and dad in the early afternoon (where we tried to show my dad the exciting world of the ipad…he was amazed, but not enough to invest in monthly internet fees), and then we went to Dave’s parents’ house in the evening.  We visited, ate, and went next door to the St. Paul’s Bazaar for fun, but got caught in the rain!  We took refuge in the snow cone stand that Maddie’s friend Caroline was working.  I’m happy to report that no goldfish were won this year.



The next week was our church festival.  We worked a very lame booth and also Maddie was in the dunking booth!  Which was AWESOME!


We have been swimming a lot, though the weather hasn’t been the most cooperative yet this summer.





I’ve been reading again!  I’m soon done with my 5th book, so I’ll be writing a book review for you in the next week or so.  In the photo below, Maddie and I are enjoy some Kool Pops while we read.  I was reading the newest Jeannette Walls book (she wrote The Glass Castle).


Jack got an expander.  Poor fella.  His mouth really hurt for 3-4 days and he talks kind of funny now.  After we come back from vacation he’s going to get headgear, which he’s supposed to wear all the time he’s home….for 8-10 months.  Please put us on your church’s Prayer Chain.  The picture below is of him checking out his expander using the ipad…and me sound asleep next to him.


HA!  Maddie fell asleep one afternoon this month, and Dave snagged this picture of her!


I’m just glad it was her pointer finger.

Maddie went for a fitting for her bridesmaid’s dress.  She is going to be in Uncle Mike and Aunt Nicole’s wedding (Aunt Nicole is standing behind her in the picture) on New Year’s Eve!  As a bonus, we also got to see a sneak preview of Nicole in her wedding gown, and she looked absolutely fabulous (no photo spoilers of that one!)


While the girls were all shopping (Grandma and Aunt Sue, who’s also a bridesmaid, went too), all the boys stayed behind at Uncle Mike’s house.  The plan was for them to go in to old Philly (the happy couple lives there) and see the Liberty Bell and a few other things, but they had so much fun playing in Uncle Mike’s bachelor pad basement, that they only took a quick drive through the city.  At some point, Jack got locked up in Ozzy the dog’s cage and Ben took a dart to the back, so I’m not sure what the heck was going on, but What Happens at Uncle Mike’s House, Stays at Uncle Mike’s House, I guess.*


Our Mama Bird is busy taking care of these noisy guys!  I’m so excited and will give you updates!


*Dave actually texted me those photos as jokes.  Please don’t call the Child Abuse Hotline on us.

Hello July!  You’d better bring us some sunshine!

1 comment:

Tara said...

You take such good pool pictures. I never take pictures of the kids in the pool, because I am mean and lazy. They will never remember all the fun times they had. I'll just show them your pictures of your kids instead. Thanks!