Monday, October 11, 2010

The Jonagold, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria

Thank you so much, Christopher Columbus!  Besides discovering this fine nation of ours, captaining 3 vessels through sea monster  infested waters, risking your life sailing around on a pancake, and rubbing elbows with Prince Ferdinand and that crazy Queen Isabella, you also got us a day off from school!  Dude, you rock(ed)!

We used our time wisely today, running errands, getting Ben’s Halloween costume bought (Jack and Maddie’s will be handmade), and then we headed to an orchard to pick some apples with some friends.  These are the same friends with whom we picked raspberries and apricots last July. 

Everybody got in the trees.  Jack loves trees.  He picked a little bit, but mostly climbed trees.
 I swear to you, I am trimming his bangs tonight!

We filled four bushels, mostly with Jonagolds, a few with Crispins.
The Crispins were HUGE!  This one is almost half the size of Kris’s head!2010_1011applepicking0068
There was a lot of snacking going on…
Then it was time to head back to pay.
Now we are planning an apple pie, applesauce, and some apple crisp.  I might try apple butter (does anyone have a good recipe?)  And in my crystal ball, I foresee a lot of apples packed in lunchboxes.
Thanks again, Mr. Columbus!  We will proudly toast you tonight with a glass of apple cider!


Wendy said...

Yes, a big thank you to that Mr. Columbus!! Looks like a great day! Awesome apples and good friends :)

Jemsmom said...

I miss going to the apple orchard so much! Not a lot of those here in Charleston! It was almost 90 degrees today. Not very fallish, but I am getting my Halloween groove on. Looks like such a wonderful time and there is nothing like snacking on a nice juicy apple that you just picked yourself!

Deb said...

Good friends, good times. Doesn't get much better than that. As always, love those pictures. I was going to say I think my favorites are the kids in the trees -- but I just love the one of Jack and one of the girls having what seems to be a very deep conversation.

corners of my life said...

These photos are priceless.