Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summertime Haikus


The swing chains go slack

His toes scratch the blue heavens

Grandpas push the best!



Innocent lily

I get the feeling that you

Just gave me the finger.



Three perfect sweet smiles

But always two eyes are closed

No Christmas card here.



Oooh, kinda creeeeeepy

Or she’s swimming in Kool-Aid

Ew.  Kinda sticky.



The bumblebee’s cute!

Unless your camera pokes him.

Then he’s awful mean.



The warrior paint

Of a raspberry picker

Scares away the bees.



Dear corn on the cob,

I love love love love love you!

But not stuck ‘tween my teeth.



The sparkler glitters

Its dazzling, twinkly glow

Jack’s lost in deep thought.



I’d hate to think that

My precious girl (on the right)

Just left a huge toot.


Crickit said...

Great Pictures Beth! Great memories thus far of summer! :)

Jen said...

You need to take your act on the road! You are hilarious!

stephanie said...

Love this!!!
Well done!!

Jemsmom said...

You are amazing and have a true gift!!! You crack me up!!! You need a book deal and your pictures are looking fabulous! I need your thoughts...I have the opportunity to intern with a photographer here in my town. I would do a lot of grunt work for free, but would be learning about all aspects of the business. The kicker is I would have to sign a two year non-competition clause. I am so ready to run with starting my own, but I know that I have so much to learn. Any thoughts?