Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Choose a Picture, Any Picture!

Well, I’m stumped with a bad case of writer’s block again, so I’m going to do two things:

1.  Tell you about my weekend.

2.  Ask you to pick a number.

First, the weekend!  Dude.  It was booooring.  That’s why I have writer’s block!

Next, to help spur a blogpost for me, pick any number between 0 and 8,092.  Because apparently I have 8,092 photos stored on my computer.  Yikes!  Anyway, please pick and type a number down there in the comments and I will use the accompanying photo in the next post, linking all of them (please let there be more than one comment) to make a little story.  Maybe I will mention your name too, and you will be famous!  (In the event that you pick a number that is of a photo that has been deleted, I will go to the next photo up.)

Thanks for your help!



Beth said...

also...if you can't comment because you don't want to sign up for a google account or whatever, and you are a facebook friend, you can leave me a number there.

corners of my life said...

Such a cool idea - this could catch on. My choice 1979 {wonder why? wedding year}

stephanie said...

Fun! I'll pick 45

Can't wait to see how this turns out! You are so creative!!

Deb said...

Four-tay, baby. I'm sure it will be a very young and hip photo.

Jemsmom said...

1,217 - Jemma's birthday! Let's see whatcha got!

Sue Cifuentes said...

1506....Jaime picks 753....

Tara said...

I hope I'm not too late. I pick 2127. I was going to pick 8, my pant size, but that's not my pant size damn it, and thanks for reminding me!