Friday, November 6, 2009

My Smart Boy

So we go trick-or-treating and we get three bags full of an unbelievable amount of cavity-inducing treasure.  Pounds of it.

What we find works for us is that each child looks through his/her bag, pulls out his/her favorites, and puts them in a gallon Ziploc bag labeled with his/her name.  The rest goes in the community bowl, so that mommy and daddy can gorge ourselves enjoy the occasional treat.  After each child’s personal bag is eventually eaten, they can also take from the community bowl (because once the KitKats and Reese’s PB Cups are gone, mommy and daddy stop helping ourselves anyway.)2009_1029trickortreat0003

But Ben has figured out a way to work the system. 

He is not taking his desserts and lunch box snacks from his personal bag—he is taking them from the community bowl.  In a few months when Maddie and Jack’s bags are gone and the community bowl has trickled down to stale Laffy Taffy and smashed Smarties, Ben will still have his bag of candy to draw from. 

So do I let Maddie and Jack in on this little trick?  So far I have turned a blind eye, figuring Ben’s smarts deserve a little reward.  If Maddie or Jack notices this and sees the beauty of it, they too may enjoy their snacks from the community bowl. 

But for now, as long as he stays away from the KitKats, his secret is safe with me.

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