Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!



We held my mother’s family July 4th party on Saturday (and yes, I did make the baked beans, thank you for asking.)  The weather was perfect, low humidity, temps in the low nineties, a slight breeze to keep those not inclined to swim happy…it was a complete and total sunshiny day.

And  now, since it’s summer, and our brains are all melting from disuse, I thought I’d do a little research for you… good for my brain, and good for yours too.  You’re welcome!  Here’s what I found out:

1.  17% of July 4th picnics involve rodents in some way. 


“Thanks for inviting me.  And keep the watermelon coming.”

2.  88% of pool parties inspire jumping contests.


(On a completely related note, check out these two photos of my bratty brother Dave.  The one on the left is from last year’s picnic, the one on the right is from this year’s picnic.  I’ve got a tupperware container of leftover baked beans for the person who can spot the most differences between the two!)


(In another completely related side note, Austin, the very cute ring bearer in our wedding 13 years ago, will graduate from high school next year.  This realization has hit me hard, and I may not have the strength to finish this post.  But I will soldier on, just as that great American, George Washington, did at Valley Forge, he and his men trudging weakly through the snow with their bloody, bare feet…yeah, sort of like that.)


3.  A mere 3% of Independence Day parties is lucky enough to have floating Grandmas.  We made the cut!


4.  92% of picnickers head home with a sunburn.


5.  26% of picnics include badminton, the sport of kings.  (Or possibly, the sport of band geeks…we’re a family of ‘em.)


6.  2% of people leave their picnic with a broken leg.


Luckily, we were part of the 98% who did not break a leg. Believe it or not.

7.  100% of Aunt Jamaes are good sports who even leave the party to drive you around in their convertible MINICoopers.  I bet you wish you had an Aunt Jamae.


8. 99% of the coolest picnics shoot off fireworks to finish off the evening. 



Happy Birthday, America!


Deb said...

I just have to ask ... how do you pronounce Jamae? Ja-May? Or a fancy way of spelling Jamie? Or something else entirely?

Nice flag. Nice floating grannies. Nice pictures.

Happy Birthday, indeed!

stephanie said...

OK, your bratty brother got new swim trunks and lost a few lbs. He quite possibly shaved his chest a little from last year and is now sportin a livestrong bracelet. How did I do? You can bring those baked beans when you visit tomorrow, thank you very much!!

Sweet Lily said...

Absolutely refreshing!!

corners of my life said...

The floating grandmas made me laugh out loud. I would have fit right in with them!