Monday, January 17, 2011


Well, I promised you an honest-to-gosh giveaway, and the day has come.  I was approached by the folks at CSN Stores to offer you a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to use on one of their 200+ online stores!  If you are unfamiliar with CSN Stores, you will be thrilled to check them out.  You can find everything from stylish modern dining room furniture to cute cookware, chic lighting pieces, baby gear, luxury items, luggage, toys and more!   Heavens to betsy!  Who couldn’t use more luxury items and chic lighting pieces??

So here are the rules:

1. Only readers from the US and Canada are eligible.

2.  My husband may not enter.  Don’t even try, dude, it will make me look bad.

3.  I will require you to name your next pet after me.

4.  You must leave a comment telling all of us about your favorite piece of furniture at your houseYou may enter (comment) only one time.  Two if you slip me a couple of bucks at Walmart.  (Kidding!)  You do have to comment though, no telling me at the bus stop that you’d like to enter or by telling me on my Facebook page.  I will be using an online Random Number Generator to choose  from the number of comments I get.  If you have never commented before because you are confused about how to do so, click on the word Comments at the bottom of the post and follow the directions.

5.  The Giveaway will be open until this Friday, January 21, 2011,  at midnight, EST.

6.  My guess is the folks at CSN Stores will never ask me to do this again after they read this post, so this may be your only chance ever! 

Good luck!


stephanie said...

They contacted me too, I'm just not on the ball enough to put it together. I also got an email from to do a giveaway. Don't you wonder how they found us???

Tiffanee said...

Probably my bed...does that count?? Love this post. You are so cute and clever.

Deb said...

Oooh, yay! Let me see, let me see... My favorite piece of furniture is my new Amish kitchen table with the solid top. I'm really loving the size of it as well as the fact that milk has nowhere to hide! If you were doing multiple entries, I would totally get points for 1) being a follower, 2) being your Biggest Fan, 3) slipping you bucks at Walmart (or at least chatting by the seasonal soda display).

Wendy said...

You have a great way with words and I am loving your new look! Herbie is looking pretty darn cute in your header :)
Favorite furniture would have to be our kitchen table and chairs! Everything else is old and out dated!

corners of my life said...

My favorite pieces of furniture are my two sofas from a line called Grandma's Attic. I have always wanted "facing sofas" and I love them. Very cottage looking.

Sue Cifuentes said...

Hi the new look :)

I would have to say my kitchen table. Not because of how it looks or because it has comfy chairs but because EVERYTHING happens around that table. From every meal and every gathering to LEGO building, playdough molding, homework doing, cookie cutting, board game playing.....EVERYTHING!!


Betsy said...

My favorite piece of furniture would have to be the old, comfy chair in our bedroom. It is far from attractive but I love to escape the chaos that sometimes comes along with having children, sit in that chair and read!

Liz said...

I hate pretty much all of my furniture, but I do have a cool vintage sewing cabinet (with a 1951 Singer in it) that my mother refinished for me!

eemoody77 at gmail dot com