Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Deck the Halls!

The blogging world is bubbling over with Christmas posts right now.  I am enjoying all of the food bloggers who are sharing recipes for Christmas cookies and homemade food gifts, and the home decor bloggers who really make me feel inadequate inspire me with all of the beautifully decorated mantles, entryways, and laundry rooms (seriously---some people go all out). 

Herbie was looking over my shoulder while I was perusing my favorite blogs the other day, and he suggested I feature his own decorated cage on my blog.  I thought, Why not?  If more people decorated their guinea pig cages, the world would be a more inspiring place.  Please feel free to copy any ideas I am showing you here!

First, Herbie has placed a sugar plum beaded garland around his cage.  Stunning!


He has hung his stocking with care with hopes that St. Nicholas will put carrots in there.


There is a festive ball hanging from the roof of his cage, adding just a touch of whimsy to his otherwise classically decorated home.




Oh look!  Herbie has even stored up some extra logs for his fireplace!


Which is a little strange as he does not have a fireplace, but whatever.

Of course his favorite place is still in the arms of a good buddy.


Merry Christmas and Happy Decorating from Herbie the Love Pig!


Deb said...

Wait, is that Nate Berkus calling? I'm thinking Herbie needs to do a log tutorial.

Crickit said...

Ha,Ha,Ha! I hope Herbie really enjoys the Christmas decor on his home. I think that decor on(the outside,let's make that part clear) his cage put some of my decorating to shame! :)

Jen said...

Herbie's livin large!

Wendy said...

Oh Beth, you do know how to make me smile!

corners of my life said...

Herbie is one lucky pig!

Karen said...

Very nice job, Mrs. Wolfe. Lucas always piles his logs in the backyard. I never thought about making a nice pile near the fireplace. Thank goodness for Herbie's tutorial!