Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bug Boy

Jack is a bug boy.


He likes inchworms, butterflies, grasshoppers, crickets, earthworms, ladybugs, dragonflies…almost any nice bug you can name, Jack has probably adopted it, cared for it, accidentally killed it, and cried at its funeral.


He’s excited that Giant Grasshopper time has arrived.



He was getting bored with crickets.


This praying mantis was from two years ago.  Jack’s hoping to find another one this fall.


Even at age two the Ladies loved Jack.


He is under strict orders to keep his bugs out  of the house, but the other day I heard him utter these very unwelcome words: '”Uh oh, my bug got out!”  Turns out he “accidentally” brought in a moth who had luckily seen a slim chance at freedom around the saran-wrapped edge of an air hole and jumped ship.  We haven’t found him yet.  I was just glad it wasn’t a creepy, hairy spider or a noisy cicada.


Or for that matter, a frog.


Wendy said...

Maybe one day your bug boy can marry my bug girl! Can't wait to show these pictures to Miss Sarah!

Jemsmom said...

Oh my... the grasshopper picture and cricket one got me. Ughhhhh...

Karen said...

A have a soft spot in my heart for bug boys....... and he is just so cute to boot!

Karen said...

Why did I type "A" instead of "I"? Maybe an accent A am developing??? :)